bool | Init (JNIEnv *env, const InitInfo &info) |
| Initialize LSPlant for the proceeding hook. It mainly prefetch needed symbols and hook some functions. The env should not have any restriction for accessing hidden APIs. You can obtain such a JNIEnv in JNI_OnLoad().
jobject | Hook (JNIEnv *env, jobject target_method, jobject hooker_object, jobject callback_method) |
| Hook a Java method by providing the target_method together with the context object hooker_object and its callback callback_method .
bool | UnHook (JNIEnv *env, jobject target_method) |
| Unhook a Java function that is previously hooked.
bool | IsHooked (JNIEnv *env, jobject method) |
| Check if a Java function is hooked by LSPlant or not.
bool | Deoptimize (JNIEnv *env, jobject method) |
| Deoptimize a method to avoid hooked callee not being called because of inline.
void * | GetNativeFunction (JNIEnv *env, jobject method) |
| Get the registered native function pointer of a native function. It helps user to hook native methods directly by backing up the native function pointer this function returns and env->registerNatives another native function pointer.
bool | MakeClassInheritable (JNIEnv *env, jclass target) |
| Make a class inheritable. It will make the class non-final and make all its private constructors protected.
bool | MakeDexFileTrusted (JNIEnv *env, jobject cookie) |
| Make a DexFile trustable so that it can access hidden APIs. This is useful because we likely need to access hidden APIs when hooking system methods. A concern of this function is that cookie of the DexFile maybe a hidden APIs. So get please get the needed jfieldID beforehand (like in JNI_OnLoad as Init()).